
A random book quote

As seen on one of the webdesign page I follow via RSS feeds - Jason Santa Maria:

  • Grab the nearest book.

  • Open the book to page 23.

  • Find the fifth sentence.

  • Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

Here it is:
"Table 7 shows the average mineral salts composition"

Now, isn't that something to make your life a better one?

(BTW: Exactly how do you count the sentences? I chose the fifth of the sentences beginning on that page - there was also the last half of one beginning on p 22... Should I then have taken the sentence previous to the one above? Well - I didn't!)


Blogger Ole said...

Oops - should have includede the reference:

"Cheesemaking. From Science to quality assurance. Edited by André Eck & Jean-Claude Gillis. Intercept, 2nd ed., 2000. ISBN 1-898298-65-3".

26/05/04 13:56  

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