
Bedroom in morning light

That's what it was :) This was taken about 7:30 on Saturday morning, approximately one good stretch and a yawn after we got out of the sleeping bags.

Down to about 5°C during the last part of the night (or so they said). I must admit I pulled the strings rather tight, closing the sleeping bag well both at the shoulders and at the opening. But down inside it was all warm and cosy. Fab - first sleeping outdoors trip of the year!

[Listening to: cranberries - zombie (5:06)]


Anonymous Ottox said...

You're making me so envious. First that picture yesterday, and now this. I miss it...

19/04/05 12:05  
Anonymous Ottox said...

Ok, so they were both posted yesterday

19/04/05 12:07  
Blogger Ole said...

I'll happily show you the shelters in Hareskoven next time you're around :)

There's even a nice fireplace there - though a little too far from the shelter to warm it up...

19/04/05 19:19  

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