One Thursday Night
A sky with the colours of a late night
Orange, blue, purple - gradually fading
down towards the quiet ocean.

On the beach it's a little windy
but the dunes offer their protection
and at their feet it's nice and quiet.
A group of friends, a team,
we're sitting in a close circle
chatting, discussing, working things out.
And while we sit there,
comfortable in each other's company,
the night is showing us it's colours
embracing us in its gentle cloak.
Orange, blue, purple - gradually fading
down towards the quiet ocean.

On the beach it's a little windy
but the dunes offer their protection
and at their feet it's nice and quiet.
A group of friends, a team,
we're sitting in a close circle
chatting, discussing, working things out.
And while we sit there,
comfortable in each other's company,
the night is showing us it's colours
embracing us in its gentle cloak.
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