
Apple tree in full splendour

Inspired - or at least reminded - by the splendour of growth and flowering at Kew Gardens today, here is our own home spring wonder, the Belle de Boskop (if that is the correct spelling) apple tree in our back garden:



Makes me wonder if we're getting tree-tilting amouns of apples once more...

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Spring and Easter co-arrived

Well, as these flowers are called "Easter lillies" in Danish... The sight of them against the blue of the front door just was nice in the sunshine yesterday :)


The ants are part of another story ;)

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Brilliant campsite

In the middle of Gribskov, there’s this fabulous campsite -



4 shelters with a total capacity of 40 people or so (a little more in the case of scouts ;) and the central covered fireplace. In addition, a big campfire place a little off – and an old-fashioned traditional loo, complete with a heart-shaped hole in the door, in the far corner.

The pictures were taken Sunday evening while dinner was being cooked after a good long day and 30 km hiking behind us.

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Spring - the green & white carpet is rolled out

Anemone carpet

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Clear sign of spring

…the anemones are out, covering the forest in their blanket of green and white :)

Anemone blanket in green and white

The wee black thing is Corto the Dog – looking intently towards where I have just thrown a dummy for him to fetch. But not until I give the word, of course.

(I did – he’s not still sitting there ;))

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Apple tree splendor

Mother Nature at her finest, on a very fine spring weekend:

Same, but seen from the ground and up towards an impossibly blue sky:

Ummmm... (but if all those flowers turn to apples, we'll have to open a "farm sale"...)

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It's begun :)

The spring, that is!

The mobile phone camera isn't my best. But there's a wee tree there - with green leaves on :)
I liked the silvery play of light in the water. And then Corto decided he wanted in, too.

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